10 Dogs That Are Absolute Units And Don’t Know How Big They Are

There is a saying that all dogs are puppies, but some of our canine friends decide to push this idea to its very limits. I’m talking, of course, about the largest boys, the most sizable specimens.

We’ve gathered a selection of the biggest and cutest dog pics that netizens have shared online. We also got in touch with Katlin Longfield, owner of the 2Husketeers to learn a bit more about big dogs, keeping them, and other cute stories. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to comment your thoughts below.

#1 Children’s Hospital Of Los Angeles’ Best Therapy Dog Ever – My Mom’s Dog Bonner

#2 He May Look Like A Bear But He Identifies As A Lap Dog

#3 This Good Boy Did A Heck Of A Grow This Year

Bored Panda got in touch with Katlin Longfield, the owner of the 2Husketeers and she was kind enough to answer some of our questions. Naturally, we were curious to hear her story about getting into dog ownership and content.

“I just got my first mirrorless camera back in February 2016, and I started practicing by taking a lot of photos. My muse being my dogs of course. I was posting a LOT of dog photos, I mean who can really get enough? Well, I think my friends and family were, so I started a dog Instagram account and @2husketeers was born. If you scroll WAY down, you can still see the first photos I posted on my account. I’ve come a long way and still have lots to learn.”

#4 DNA Came Back – 93% German Shepherd, 7% Unidentifiable. We’re Guessing Grizzly Bear

#5 Our 6-Month-Old Big Baby Bear, Gus, Wishes Everyone A Happy Friday Filled With Lots Of Boops And Big Floof Hugs

#6 When Someone Complains About Dog Expenses, I Laugh Simply Because This Is The Kind Of Dog I Got To Provide For

Given the massive popularity of cat content online, we wanted to hear Kairlin’s take on what made dogs interesting to so many people. “There’s nothing better than a dog when you are having a bad day! Second to that is dog content. Nothing brings a smile to my face more when I scroll and see cute dogs in my feed. There’s something so fun, innocent, and entertaining. Plus, I want all the dogs but since that’s not realistic, I can see all the dogs on my socials.”

#7 Little Lady Next To A Giant Dog

#8 Two Years To The Day

#9 Uncle Jim And His Rare Pup Of Gargantuan Proportions, Mody

Kairlin left us with a few parting thoughts. “Always spread kindness! You never know what someone is going through. It’s always the best feeling when I receive comments or messages from people saying we made them smile or helped get them through a tough day,” she shared. You can find more of the 2Husketeers on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

#10 Our Rescue Pup, 11.5 Months Old