10 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To Witness

If you’re a pet parent, you know how dramatic your little animal babies can be. They might push you off the couch just to stretch their legs, cry when you won’t share your pizza or pee on the floor just because you refuse to let them attack the vacuum.

But when you have multiple children of the animal variety, they might not only have beef with you, but also with each other. One curious Reddit user recently asked pet owners to detail the drama that’s been going on between their furry, fluffy and feathery babies, and it turns out that pets are just as petty as us. Enjoy reading these juicy stories about animal siblings, and be sure to upvote the ones you’d like to see re-enacted on a soap opera!


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessMy flock of chickens is very dedicated to my rooster and obeys his every command—with the exception of one hen named Vicky. She doesn’t give a f**k about him and only wants to hang out with us humans. She follows us around and is just super friendly and cute and chatty, and of course, we spoil her with delicious treats all day. When I weed the garden she’s right behind me, scratching up the soil like she’s helping me lol and eating all the newly exposed bugs. She’ll walk up to us, look up, and say “hmm-hmm?” like she’s asking, “What’s goin’ on?” The other hens are always by the rooster’s side, but she comes and goes as she pleases.

Rooster can’t stand it. He does everything he can to get her attention, like making the “I found food” call and picking up a random pebble to pretend it’s a treat he found. She figured out this ruse very quickly.

If she starts to run toward us he’ll run ahead of her, stand in her way, and stomp his little rooster feet. She just runs past him, lol.

He gets especially mad when she’s late coming back to the coop at the end of the day because she’s hanging out with us, and he tries to herd her back over to it. She doesn’t give a F**K and just sits on the porch with us, and we all watch him run around screaming and having a fit because she doesn’t want to go to bed yet. It’s hilarious.


No drama; but my cat was sick a few weeks ago and my wiener dog started to bring him mouthfuls of cat food and leave them in a little pile next to the cat.


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessWe have two donkeys, Geriatric donkey and Chonky donkey. Chonky has separation anxiety and freaks if she can’t see Geriatric donkey. Geriatric donkey is too skinny and on a special high-protein diet. Chonky donkey is, well, chonky, and is on a diet, which she hates (but is looking much better).To keep Chonky donkey out of Geriatric donkeys food, I have to separate them. Now Chonky donkey is upset to be separated from Geriatric AND upset she can’t steal Geriatric’s much yummier food.


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessMy ducks are so dramatic about sharing their pools. I have three ducks and two pools, one green, one pink. All three have decided the pink pool is their favorite and fight over who gets to be in it. They all three can fit comfortably in one pool, but they chase each other out and “fight” about who gets to be the only one in there. It’s hilarious to watch. This spring, I’m buying new pools. Three all pink ones lol.

They also bully the wild birds and squirrels. And when they hear the neighborhood dogs start barking, they run to the back fence and start quacking really loud.


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessThe cat continues to give zero f***s the dog even exists. Dog finds this unacceptable.


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessWe have a new foster dog who is terrified of the world and everything in it. She’s been cowering in the corner of the kitchen for days, but she’s just now getting brave enough to start coming out to solicit attention. Our resident dog is jealous so she keeps coming over to try to steal the attention. The foster dog loves the resident dog, and seems to get braver when she’s around, so that makes her more willing to come out. So resident dog’s jealous is accidentally feeding the bravery and socialization of the foster. (She doesn’t realize it, but that’s exactly what we were hoping would happen.)


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessI have a girl cat that doesn’t get along with her two younger brothers (who are peas in a pod). They chase her and she runs and hisses, absolutely terrified.. We were at our wits end because they aren’t violent kitties except to her.

Then we started watching her behavior more closely and noticed how she would play with them when she didn’t think we were watching. Sit by them, show her belly, even groom them. As soon as she noticed we were in the room she’d act like they attacked her, even if they hadn’t done anything. Eye opening for sure.Yes, I have a cat like this. Her name is Trudy and she’s almost 6. When she was 2 I bought a pair of kittens home and she was not happy. Even now, 4 years later she hisses at them regularly but every so often, when she thinks I’m not looking she’ll wash them. Cats only wash other cats that they consider family so when she starts hissing I just tell her to stop being so overly dramatic 🙂



40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessTwo cats and a hedgehog. The cats are in disbelief that the hedgehog not only eats dry cat food as her diet (the audacity!) but also that she gets a heat lamp and they don’t.
They are likely plotting a revolt.


Frank (mostly Rottweiler), Oscar (probably yellow Lab/Corgi mix), Finn (one eyed Yorkie/Shi-Tzu mix) and Polly (Finn’s two eyed sister) all MUST go out the back door at EXACTLY the same time. They inevitably get stuck in the doorway Three Stooges style and start fighting.


40 Owners Of Multiple Pets Share The Dramas They Get To WitnessMy horses who are bffs got a new buddy. Buddy likes both horses. Horse 1 likes buddy, horse 2 does not, so now original two horses are in a rough patch in their friendship. Feels like a cliche issue between highschool girls.