UPS Guy Takes Selfies With All The Neighborhood Dogs While Delivering Parcels

Today, we’d like to share with you a wholesome collection of photos straight from New Orleans. If you’re a dog lover who simply can’t resist and just has to give some pets to any dog passing you by, you will surely relate to this content. Jason Hardesty, who’s a part of the large North American company UPS, became popular on his social media thanks to the pictures capturing him and all the dogs he meets while working that he shares on a regular basis.

Last time, we asked him about how the idea of creating his Instagram profile first came to his head, and we found out: “It actually happened accidentally. You could say I came up with the idea when I randomly decided to pick up a dog to take a photo for fun, and then I just posted it on my Instagram. I didn’t expect to gain any attention from it, but I believe the picture got something like 100 likes, and back then, I thought that was a lot! Also, surprisingly I received a lot of positive comments!”

Scroll down to see the most recent images shared by the UPS driver on his social media profile, and if you’d like to see the earlier photos we featured in the previous posts, make sure to check them out.


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)

Bored Panda contacted Jason Hardesty again and asked him some questions about the wholesome pictures of him and the dogs. First, we were wondering how his coworkers and supervisors at UPS reacted when they found out about Jason’s Instagram account. He shared with us: “I’ve always tried to be very humble about it because I understand the attention it brings and I’ve always been a hard-working guy so management has never had any problems with it as long as I get the work done.”


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)

Asked about any unusual or unexpected encounters with animals, aside from dogs, during his deliveries, Jason said: “I’ve met rabbits, goats and pigs. I of course found that interesting because you don’t normally find those in New Orleans neighborhoods. Maybe a few chickens here or there.”


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)

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UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)

We also wanted to know if there are any favorite dog breeds or specific types of animals that Hardesty enjoys encountering during his deliveries. The UPS employee told us: “Number one has to go to any rescue dogs. There’s a special place in my heart for people who give dogs a second chance. Favorite breed, my energy matches, a golden retriever. We relate very well.”


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)

Lastly, we wanted to know if Jason ever thought about expanding his online presence or creating content beyond Instagram, such as a YouTube channel or a blog about his experiences. Hardesty shared with us: “At this time, the job I have is very time-consuming, but definitely, the end goal is to work with rescues and get as many dogs adopted as possible.”


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)



UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)


UPS Delivery Man Makes A Point Of Greeting Every Dog He Encounters (New Pics)