10 Wholesome Pics Of Pets Who Will Not Have To Be Alone Ever Again

Any pet owner will tell you how rewarding it is to have an adorable little creature running around your home. Sure, they might make messes at times or chew up valuables, but the small annoyances are greatly outweighed by the joy and companionship they bring. And if you’re looking to bring a new fur baby into your home, the best places to look are animal shelters and rescues!

Below, you’ll find a list of heartwarming photos from Reddit of animals who have recently been adopted. We’ll warn you right now, pandas, that these pics might melt your heart into a puddle. But if you can handle the cuteness overload, enjoy scrolling through and be sure to upvote all of the photos that make you smile!


Today I Adopted This Beautiful Queen, Her Name Is Nettie And Shes 18 Years Old💞👑

Today I Adopted This Beautiful Queen, Her Name Is Nettie And Shes 18 Years Old💞👑


A Stray Puppy I Took In. Can’t Sit Down Without Her Squeezing In Beside Me

A Stray Puppy I Took In. Can’t Sit Down Without Her Squeezing In Beside Me


Pulled A Mother And Kitten Off The Streets Of Detroit Last Month, Now They Are Spoiled

Pulled A Mother And Kitten Off The Streets Of Detroit Last Month, Now They Are Spoiled

As someone who grew up with dogs, I can definitely attest to the fact that having cute and cuddly animals in your home just makes it feel more like, well, home! There’s always a wagging tail to greet you when you get home (or in the case of my cat, a demanding meow telling me off for leaving him alone), and there’s always someone to snuggle up with at bedtime.

And if you’re in need of an animal for your home, I strongly urge you to look in shelters and rescues rather than checking out breeders. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, about 6.3 million domesticated animals find their way into shelters in the United States every single year. These little creatures would love to be adopted into loving homes, and taking them in can literally save their lives.


My Sweet Rescue

My Sweet Rescue

Woman Tells Neighbor She Will Not Be Her Free Babysitter Over The Summer, Drama Ensues


From Rough Dubai Streets To The English Countryside

From Rough Dubai Streets To The English Countryside


Our New Cat Is Ridiculously Photogenic

Our New Cat Is Ridiculously Photogenic

To find out more about why it’s so important to adopt rather than shop when getting a new pet, for a previous Bored Panda article, we reached out to Chair of Almost Home Dog Rescue, Alex. Alex was kind enough to have a chat with us and shared that there’s been a crisis in animal rescues in the UK since the pandemic.

“Breeders are breeding faster than we can rehome. Thousands of healthy, non challenging dogs are euthanized weekly in the UK, simply because there is nowhere for them to go,” Alex noted.


Was Never A Cat Person Aaaaand I Became A Cat Dad

Was Never A Cat Person Aaaaand I Became A Cat Dad


Poor Guy Got Dumped In Snow Storm

Poor Guy Got Dumped In Snow StormI Adopted Old Man Shadow Recently. Kevin Gained A Friend And I Lost The Couch

I Adopted Old Man Shadow Recently. Kevin Gained A Friend And I Lost The Couch

One reason why some people might be hesitant to adopt is the fact that many of these animals have experienced trauma, and they might not seem incredibly friendly right off the bat. But Alex assures readers that she has witnessed animals undergo incredible transformations after being adopted into loving homes. “There have been many stories of where a timid, challenging or abused dog has completely transformed in the right supportive environment,” she previously told Bored Panda.


Just Adopted A Puppy From The Shelter And It Said It’s Breed Is Unknown

Just Adopted A Puppy From The Shelter And It Said It’s Breed Is Unknown