There is nothing worse than getting stuck in traffic after a long day at work – you just want to get home and relax on the sofa. Sadly, not everyone has a forever home, just like this brave dog named Olivia. The pooch was stopping every car in traffic, desperately asking for help finding a forever home. Luckily for her, one kindhearted human picked her up, giving her a chance to find people who would truly deserve her.

More info: Humans And Animals United

Lost, scared and alone on a busy street – this adorable pooch found herself in a scary predicament

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

In the busy streets of Miami, Florida, traffic is a daily occurrence. In the midst of the busy commute, one driver noticed something very unusual. A scared dog was going from car to car, stopping drivers in hopes someone would notice her. Sadly, a lot of people just drove by, ignoring the pooch’s desperate plea. Her puppy eyes could not warm their callous hearts.

“We don’t know how long she was out there waiting to be rescued,” Rosa Fond, founder of Humans And Animals United, shared in an interview. “A defenseless dog who can’t speak our language asking for help the only way she knew how: just by going up to cars.”

Dogs never cease to amaze us – despite being betrayed, abused and scared, they still desperately seek humans, believing that maybe this one will help them, maybe this one will understand the silent plea.

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

Olivia was stopping every car in busy traffic, hoping that someone would understand her desperate plea for help

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

Fortunately, compassionate people still exist. One commuter did not hesitate to stop, breaking the cycle of indifference. They pulled over and lured the doggie to safety, inviting her to hop into their car. She was then taken to Miami-Dade Animal Services – that’s where Rosa Fond heard about a beautiful but scared girl, named Olivia.

“When I saw her video, I just cried and immediately spoke with our team to arrange to help Olivia,” Rosa recalled. She was determined to show the pup that there are many good people in the world who cannot wait to give her the best life that a dog can have.

After a HUA representative went to pick Olivia up, they sent a picture of her to Rosa, whose heart broke once again upon seeing Olivia’s sad eyes.

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

“A defenseless dog who can’t speak our language asking for help the only way she knew how: just by going up to cars,” shared a shelter worker

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

“She was sad with her little tongue sticking out, probably waiting for the family that would never come to look for her,” Rosa said. “It shattered me to see her that way.”

Luckily, since that fateful day, Olivia’s luck started to turn for the better. She was quickly matched with a loving foster family who instantly started working on the pooch’s broken heart, showing her that often second chances are even better than the first ones.

With gentle love and care, Olivia started coming out of her shell and showing her personality, much to the delight of her foster family. Now she loves to lounge on the sofa, watching TV – I wonder what her favorite show is – and play with her foster siblings. Olivia is a friendly, outgoing and loving pup. And, as it turns out, she’s quite a chatterbox!

“Olivia is a talker!” Rosa shared. “This girl will talk you into giving her anything she wants. She will look at you and melt your heart while talking to you to help you understand what she needs.” Who could say no to that face?

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

Image credits: Humans and Animals United

Image credits: Humans and Animals United