10 Cutest De-Chonker Pics And Stories That Are Absolutely Inspiring

We cherish our furry companions dearly, regardless of whether they’re a bit on the plump side or not. However, when it comes to a dog carrying excess weight, it can pose significant health issues, and a hefty pup may not be a happy pup. Having a conversation with your four-legged friend to encourage them to shed a few pounds is sadly impossible. The bestest boys and girls are mostly after an extra treat instead of a workout.

Yet, if a dog owner is determined and committed, they hold the key to transforming their pup’s life for the better. Check out these incredible before-and-after pics of dogs getting healthier through weight loss. Let’s be happy for both their dedicated owners and the dogs themselves.

#1 Two Years And Tons Of Walks Later, Shiloh Has Reached Her Target Weight

Unfortunately, similar to the issue faced by humans, there’s an alarming number of overweight dogs, as reported by the Association For Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). In their eighth annual survey, released in March 2015, APOP revealed that 53 percent of American dogs are carrying excess weight.

#2 Still The Happiest Guy Around, I’m Just Less Round

#3 I Can’t Believe I’ve Lost Over 12 Lbs. I Used To Have Trouble Getting Up Off The Floor But Now I Can Run Down The Stairs And Jump Off The Couch Without Even Thinking About It

International studies also indicate that this problem extends globally, with surveys from various regions showing canine obesity rates at around 40 percent or higher. Furthermore, most researchers believe that this health concern is worsening year by year. According to another part of the APOP survey, in 2014, 17.6 percent of dogs were classified as clinically obese, meaning they were 30 percent or more overweight. This marked a full percentage point increase from just one year prior.

#4 Look What I Did. 11 Pounds Down Is A Lot For A Chihuahua

#5 Did Her A Good Dechonk. Down From 74 Lbs To 48 Lbs. A Few More To Go

#6 2 Years Later – Looking 2 Years Younger

What’s even more concerning is that a staggering 95 percent of pet owners are unaware that their pudgy dogs need to shed some weight. APOP dubs this phenomenon the “fat pet gap,” where an overweight dog is mistakenly perceived as having a normal weight.

#7 Did Someone Say Glow Up

#8 Mom’s Dementia Caused Her To Overfeed For Months. After A Normal Diet And Lots Of Exercise, Beezie Has Shed Nearly 20 Lbs And She Has A New Lease On Life. 45,6 Lbs To 26,8 Lbs

#9 From Big Bear To Little Bear

Dr. Ernie Ward, a veterinarian and the founder of APOP, emphasizes, “Pet owners often believe that their obese dog or cat is at a healthy weight, which makes addressing obesity a challenging task. Nobody wants to acknowledge that their pet is carrying extra pounds, and our initial hurdle is overcoming this denial.”

#10 Veterinarian Said He Needed To Lose Weight. I Present To You, Dechonkified Chester. He Didn’t Like The Journey But Never Takes Food For Granted After The Diet