10 Times Animals Acted So Hilariously Devious, They Ended Up Being Shared On The “Animals Going Goblin Mode” Twitter Account

If you have not been living under a rock, you probably know what ‘goblin mode’ is. This, mostly described as unapologetically self-indulgent and greedy behavior, does not only apply to people but to the animal kingdom as well.

For our entertainment, a Twitter page called “animals going goblin mode” shares the most bizarre images where animals partake in various mischievous acts. They range from making a silly face to “I will destroy you” mode. So without further ado, we invite you to scroll through this collection of hilariously creepy images accidentally captured by people online.




The ‘Animals Going Goblin Mode’ Twitter page has been active on the social platform since April 2022 and we, as well as other people on the internet, immediately took an interest in it. Goblin mode’s popularity in general extends even to Oxford as in 2022 it was nominated as the word of the year by public vote. This term started to appear in 2009, and when Covid restrictions started to ease, goblin mode skyrocketed since people had gotten comfortable with a new lifestyle.




Goblin mode is good for our mental health since it loosens up our uptight lives. It lets us acknowledge that we are not supposed to be always living an ideal life, which lets us relax and indulge in what we were not essentially letting ourselves do.

“One premise of ‘goblin mode’ is about saying no to outside pressures and expectations that no longer align with your well-being. I think this is very timely for living through the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought so many restrictions,” says Karmel Choi, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. “After holding it together for so long, people are ready to let go. They want to live on their own terms, even if it’s messy.”



Seeing animals going goblin mode only confirms that it is natural, and we should not be ashamed of that whatsoever. Luckily, we do not have such galleries of us going goblin mode as do our furry friends, and maybe that’s for the best. So whether you let yourself loose from time to time or not, we highly recommend exploring this part of yourself.
