Homophobic Owner Abandons ‘Gay’ Puppy Who Later Gets Taken In By Gay Couple

You know, there are many stories that I’ve retold on Bored Panda, each with their own vigor and complexities. Yet this one is highly perplexing on multiple levels, with the main question ringing: have we explored the reasons for animal abandonment yet? Because this has got to be one of the most shocking and vile ones.

A pup was brought to a shelter because the owner did not approve of him ‘humping’ another male dog; they would simply not have a “gay” dog. Oscar Wilde couldn’t have said it better: “I wonder who it was that defined man as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational.” But this is a story with a very happy ending, which brings back some faith in humanity. So let’s get into it!

Meet Fezco, apparently the gayest dog on the planet, who was abandoned for humping another male dog

Image credits: Charlotte Paparazzi

This is the story of Fezco, the North Carolina dog whose owners dumped him for being ‘gay’.

The pup made headlines earlier in the week when the staff at Stanly County Animal Protective Services in North Carolina shared the story of his surrender.

The dog, who veterinarians estimated at about 5 years old, was brought into the facility by his former family after they saw him try to mount and hump another male dog. They made the assumption that the behavior is a result of the dog being gay. They didn’t want a gay dog, so they gave up Fezco to the shelter.

The initial response to the story was intense, with people horrified at the wildly uninformed and homophobic former owners. Thankfully, adoption offers came pouring in and the pup was on the path to finding a better home.

The 5-year-old pup quickly gathered media attention for the ridiculousness of the situation, but it also gave him a chance to find a new home

Image credits: Stanly County Animal Protective Services

And a new home he found! A gay couple decided to take Fezco in, renaming him to Oscar in honor of Oscar Wilde

Image credits: WCCB-TV

About a day and a half after the story initially broke, staff at the shelter announced Fezco had a new forever home with the two most fitting people.

The couple of 30 years, Steve Nichols and John Winn, told local news that they had also faced a similar kind of discrimination, bigotry and ignorance as the pup. They felt they were unable to do anything about it.

But as the news of the pup broke, they looked at each other and said: “We can do something about this.” They quickly put in an application for adoption of Fezco and were chosen a few days later.

They renamed the black-and-brown pupper “Oscar”, after Oscar Wilde, the Irish poet and playwright who was sent to prison and publicly shamed for being gay.

“It was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard,” said Nichols regarding the dog’s abandonment. He believed that it “would make sense for the gay dog to be adopted by a loving gay family.” And quite frankly, it seems like a match made in heaven.

Dogs hump other dogs not because they’re gay, but for a multitude of other reasons that can indicate underlying issuesHomophobic Owner Abandons ‘Gay’ Puppy Who Later Gets Taken In By Gay Couple

Image credits: WCCB-TV

Let’s get one thing straight: dog humping is not an indication of ***ual orientation.

Dogs hump each other for a variety of different reasons, and yes, pleasure is one of them but it’s not limited to it. According to Dogster, pups engage in this behavior for non-***ual play, social interaction, stress relief, and can act as an indicator for health issues.

If you’re an attentive and caring owner, the behavior can be dealt with through training, in most cases. But sadly, that wasn’t the case with Oscar’s previous owners.

Oscar appeared to be suffering from heart worms. Good thing the previous owners were homophobic as it allowed the pup to get the help he needed

Image credits: WCCB-TV

Nichols and Oscar spent just an hour together with their new pup at the shelter because the 5-year-old wasn’t feeling well.

It appeared as though the dog had never been to see a vet, wasn’t neutered and was suffering from heart worms. Regardless of the issues at hand, the pup was described as “extremely sweet” and well-behaved.

The Greater Charlotte SPCA took over Oscar’s care from the shelter after they discovered the health issues and will continue to care for him until he’s all better. After that, Oscar will move to his new home to meet his impending brother, Harry, a Chihuahua-terrier mix. Nichols is confident that the dogs will become best buddies, having lots of exciting adventures.

People were incredibly grateful to the shelter and the work they do, donating food and other goodies

Image credits: Stanly County Animal Protective Services

The couple were incredibly grateful to the shelter for their continuous support and love for animals, calling them the real heroes of the story.

As a result of this story, the shelter has been receiving monetary donations, as well as dog food and other items off their Amazon Wishlist.

Pet abandonment is not an issue to take lightly, especially when the reasons are as superficial as these, but can it be stopped?

Image credits: Alex Grek

It was probably for the best that Oscar’s previous owners were homophobic, as that allowed for the pup to finally receive the medical attention he needed. But that does start a discussion of sorts.

According to DoSomething.org, the main reasons animals are in shelters are because either owners give them up, or animal control finds them on the street. Many strays are lost pets that were not kept properly indoors or provided with identification.

Considering the mistreatment of the pup by the previous owners, it is not difficult to ask the question—what can be done to prevent people incapable of looking after pets to adopt them? Should we start implementing stronger measures against those that treat animals as playthings?


Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko

As stated by The Humane Society, overly lenient penalties (small fines, probation or suspended sentences) are problematic punishments for animal neglect, because they allow the offenders to repeat their abuse with other animals and/or people in their care.

But what would happen if they were more severe, say prison time, heavier fines, prevention from adopting further pets? Would that solve the issue of animal abandonment, or would it make it more difficult for unwanted animals to be left at shelters, potentially having the chance to find a new home, because of the fear of prosecution? The question is open-ended.

You can always help puppies out by contacting the humane society, getting the police involved, through volunteer work and donating to shelters

Image credits: Anna Tarazevich

Nolo.com recommends that if you see or suspect that someone is mistreating animals, you should contact the local humane society. Even if the owner’s behavior isn’t illegal, the humane society may be able to do something to help, such as investigate complaints and even seize the animals if they are seen to be in danger.

You can also file complaints with the city police or county sheriff. There is always something you can do to help an animal in need until more laws are put in place that perhaps look at animal ownership more carefully.

If you’d like to donate to Stanly County Animal Protective Services, here is a link to their Amazon Wishlist.

Here’s a pupperchino for you! We wish Oscar the best life with his new family

Image credits: Pixabay

I will end this article with a quote from the ever-mentioned Oscar Wilde: “Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

We’re so glad Oscar can finally find happiness within a family that will care for him and provide him with nothing but the best life.

I’d love to know what you thought of the story! Do you like the name ‘Oscar,’ and would you adopt a ‘gay’ pup? Let me know!

Also, as is now tradition, wholesome posts require a small little Easter egg. Comment ‘best doggo’ to show your support for cute stories and I shall wish you a happy and sunny day!

People are grateful to the men and the shelter workers for helping the puppy find a new home, some reflecting on their own pets’ behavior