Loving Priest Turns Church Services Into Adoption Fairs For Stray Dogs

He not only supported their cause but also actively promoted animal adoption in his community, incorporating it into his church activities. This initiative led to partnerships with universities for animal castration programs, furthering his commitment to the cause. A few years after the first article, Father João Paulo shared some interesting updates with us.


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them

Just like last time, Bored Panda reached out to Father João Paulo, a compassionate priest from Gravatá, Pernambuco, Brazil, known for his dedication to rescuing and caring for stray animals.

When asked about the genesis of his initiative, Father João Paulo said, “The love for animals always accompanies me, when I arrived in the city of Gravatá (PE)Brazil, people from an NGO that took care of street animals came to me to buy some cookies. Not only did I buy it, but I started advertising it in the Church.

Then I found out that they had almost 100 animals in a space that wasn’t suitable and I started to encourage adoption, in many ways but especially by taking them to masses and holding an adoption fair in front of the Church.

The NGO ended, but the bond of friendship remained with some members and then, with university partnerships, we carried out animal castration programs in a space provided by the Church. I helped and helped to help several people with serious health problems. Some were brought to the rectory and were adopted. I kept three of them who are currently my children.”


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them

When asked about the number of animals he has rescued, he humbly replied, ” I didn’t rescue them, I was RESCUED by them. Every day I convince myself that they are sent by God into our lives, to make us more human and better. Adopted animals don’t require work, they only provide love. How many times do they guess my sadness and stay close together. I don’t regret for a second accepting these gifts from God and I made a commitment to him to take care of them until the last breath of my life. Whoever wants me has to want me with my family, they are not negotiable or disposable.” He views these animals as divine gifts that make humans more compassionate and loving.


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them

In response to the staggering number of abandoned dogs globally and in Brazil, Father João Paulo advised that adoption is the best option. However, for those unable to adopt, he suggested donating food, providing temporary shelter, offering to walk dogs, and supporting those who have adopted. His approach encompasses a broad spectrum of support for animal welfare.


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them

Addressing criticism about welcoming animals into the church, he expressed that love for animals is often misunderstood as madness. “How many times is our love for animals criticized as madness. It’s unfortunately common to hear: it’s more important to like people. There is no love for animals that does not translate into love for others. Love will always be madness for hearts that only think about money, power and advantages. Blessed madness to love. I’m very happy to be crazy about life in any of its forms.”


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them

Over the past four years, Father João Paulo has continued his work with animals, taking on more desperate cases and supporting adoption groups. Additionally, he’s been caring for sick people in a hospital too. “Well, I continue to work in the animal cause, supporting people and groups that work with adoption. Furthermore, I take on more desperate cases with campaigns and support. I am also taking care of sick people in a hospital.”


This Loving Priest Continues To Collect Stray Dogs At His Church, Encouraging People To Adopt Them