Meet Honey, The Service Dog Who’s Wee But Mighty

At the end of the year I had sepsis and a seizure after surgery and they couldn’t wake me. I was induced into a coma and put on a ventilator.

Waking from coma! A week has passed but it felt like a few moments to me

My service dog, Honey, paying me a visit

Honey is good medicine!

I have a port but it had to be removed due to sepsis. This is a midline I was sent home with so I could do IV antibiotics at home

Ah! More Honey to life my spirits!

She’s a great snuggle buddy

This was discharge day. I swear she’s smiling

This is my hand/arm effected by CRPS. Honey smells it whenever I’m having a flare up

Getting and infusion at the cancer center. Honey usually falls asleep after the nurses access me and the meds start flowing

She heard the alarm on my IV pump signaling I’m done. “Where’s the nurse so we can bust out of here!”