Person’s Daily Walk With Their Golden Retriever Gets Clouded After Running Into An “Off-Putting” Neighbor Who Pointed A Gun At The Dog

Over ten thousand years ago, people domesticated a dog, and since then it is simply unrealistic for us to imagine our life without these closest friends and helpers of the human race. Dogs really are our best friends – and sometimes it even becomes an excuse to walk them unleashed, because a friend is not put on a leash, you know…

In fact, a leash is essentially not only protecting others from the dog, no matter how cute the pooch is, but also protecting the pet from possible dangers that await it on the street. For example, the user u/ARod-TheBadMan neglected this protection, and almost ran into very serious problems. So let’s move on to today’s story.

The author of the post once walked his golden retriever unleashed around the block and managed to face some big trouble

Image credits: Jean Alves (not the actual photo)

The guy and his pet met a neighbor who felt afraid of the retriever and pointed a handgun at him

Image credits: ARod-TheBadMan

Image credits: Ravi Kant (not the actual photo)

Image credits: ARod-TheBadMan

Image credits: Matthias Zomer (not the actual photo)

Image credits: ARod-TheBadMan

The man is going to press charges for animal cruelty and assault now, and also vows to always walk his dog on a leash
Well, the Original Poster (OP) and his best friend, a golden retriever named Sam, were doing their usual exercise around the block one fine morning. Anyone who has ever dealt with golden retrievers knows how sweet they are. Curious, funny, playful, and ready to forgive everything in the world for some belly rubs. Perhaps that is why the author of the post walked Sam unleashed (well the author does not point it out directly, however, he did not answer any of the questions regarding it in the comments. So, with a high degree of probability, it was this way).

So the man and the dog almost paid for it… On the way, they met one of their neighbors, a bit of an eccentric recluse, in the OP’s own words. Seeing a new guy, Sam was delighted and, wagging his tail, cheerfully trotted to him. But the neighbor was not at all happy with this development of events. It’s not clear whether the dude was frightened or simply did not like dogs, but at first he kicked the retriever hard, and when he bounced back with a whine, took out a handgun and pointed it at the doggo.

Now, we must pay tribute to the original poster – he did not hesitate for a second before throwing himself between the muzzle of the gun and his pet, shielding Sam from a bullet. And it is not known how this story would have ended if the OP’s screams of anger had not attracted other people, and one of them had not called the police.

Some time later, the cops arrived – they disarmed the neighbor, and then the author of the post, in turn, decided to press charges for animal cruelty and assault. As for poor Sam, the vets said the dog would be fine. Yes, he got hit hard, he’s a little shaken, but overall he’s healthy and cheerful. And as the moral of this story, the author concludes, is that you should always keep an eye out for your pets, because they depend on us to keep them safe.