Fur Inception: 10 Animals With The Strangest Fur Patterns And Markings

Mother Nature can be genuinely amazing. Sometimes it might outdo even the most talented creative hands and minds. One need not look further than how it colors its animals in the most unexpected and original markings you can imagine. Pictures of animals with unique fur markings is a long standing tradition here at Bored Panda. Special honor is extended to cats in this regard, but is that really surprising? After all, cats truly have been the kings and queens of the internet. Let’s be honest, whose day wouldn’t get better after seeing a cat with a hipster’s mustache? When I look at pictures of Kitlers, I too reminisce about the olden days of the internet.

Yet, nowadays, it isn’t all about cats and their cute little paws. Other animals deserve to be represented and have their shot at being famous too! For that reason, we’ve sprinkled some other unique fur pattern owners in here. Which one captured your attention? Let us know in the comments!


Wow. What A Unique Beauty

Wow. What A Unique Beauty

Fur color for cats and dogs is determined by their genes. Interestingly, there really are only two pigments: black and red. The rest are variations, and white is the absence of the two colors. Orange, brown and gray are dilutions of the two main pigments. All these other colors besides black and red develop because of mutations, modifiers and genetic factors.


Zorro And Bandit Are Ready To Fight Crime

Zorro And Bandit Are Ready To Fight Crime


Marked With A Downvote Since Birth. Still A Very Good Boy

Marked With A Downvote Since Birth. Still A Very Good Boy

So how does a cat get a permanent and natural zorro mask around its eyes? The science behind cat and dog genetics is pretty complex, but it generally comes down to dilution and coloration. A lot of the interesting markings on animals are just lucky ways pigment is distributed along the animal’s coat. The color of extremities ‒ face, feet, tail, ears, even nose ‒ can be influenced by temperature. Colder parts of the body are darker, while warmer parts tend to be lighter.


This Two-Faced Cat Called Quimera

This Two-Faced Cat Called Quimera


He Wears His Heart On His Head

He Wears His Heart On His Head


Feel Free To Boop Or High-Five The Snoot

Feel Free To Boop Or High-Five The Snoot

There are cases when strange markings on the fur can be alarming. The color of a pet’s coat might slightly change the older they get. New or unusual patches of color can indicate a more serious problem. Also observe the quality and thickness of your pet’s hair. If it’s diminishing or appears different from the usual, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian.


Lucky Number 7

Lucky Number 7


Any Ideas?

Any Ideas?


Spot-Bellied Eagle Owls Are Known To Possess Heart-Shaped Markings On Their Plumage

Spot-Bellied Eagle Owls Are Known To Possess Heart-Shaped Markings On Their Plumage

It’s a thing of true beauty to have a pet blessed with a unique fur pattern. Sadly, not every owner is so lucky. What to do if your furry friend lacks that oomph in the looks department? Custom looks can be created with pet outfits and accessories. Pet stores offer a wide variety of animal apparel. From sparkly bows to elaborate human-like suits, it’s now possible to play dress-up with your pet. Then again, what if you want to match your pet’s outfit to yours and that hot dog costume on your dachshund just isn’t enough?


This Is Heidi. Heidi Has Vitiligo

This Is Heidi. Heidi Has Vitiligo